Thursday 22 March 2012

Google Doc link

Google Doc link

Info on images

Google Logo

The Google logo has a filter gallery effect called "dry brush" on the flame. The flame is made by the brush Abstract light.
The O's in Google have been changed to Olympic symbols that are in the shape of the Olympic rings, It is made of images.
The L is an Olympic torch that has been changed to the colour of the L (Green) The torch is also an image.


The billboard is made up of multiple images, the Mario, background and Coke.
The font I used was the SUPER MARIO font.
Some effects I used was drop shadows and outer glow.
The Coke bottle has a Filter Gallery effect called "Crosshatch".
The brush I used was a Star Brush to put stars in the background.
I finished off the billboard by putting the final image on a billboard image.

Finished and complete JPEG Google+ Billboard

Sunday 18 March 2012

Mario final design

The first design I have done is the one with Mario only, holding the Coke bottle. It is a design that advertises Coke and the Nintendo game series Super Mario. The colours that were used in this this billboard bright colours because Mario is a bright character and Cokes main colour is red (red is a bright colour). I picked the character Mario because he is a well-known character that people will see and recognise, and if he is holding a Coke bottle people will recognise Coke. It will make people think about the flavour of Coke and how they used to play the Mario games at the same time. If Coke is being represented by Mario then people will buy Coke.

To make this billboard I used many images that are referenced in my Google documents. I downloaded the Super Mario font to write Mario’s name on the billboard. The texture I used was Crosshatch to give it a bright colour and glow around the edges of the Coke bottle.